Many children celebrating”

Children are taking action everywhere to address violence!

Browse through our participation map, and read about different efforts children are taking forward with their peers, with young people, and with adults.

Child Participation Map

The map shows contributions received from children and organizations everywhere.

Children’s participation is a priority for the Special Representative and her team. To promote and disseminate children’s actions, we have invited children, young people, and organizations everywhere, to share their work and actions to end violence against children while letting the world know that children are critical actors when it comes to achieving change.

Many children celebrating

Some things you should know about this map:

The map is being always updated as we access more information and connect with more partners. These are examples we have received from organizations and children working on the ground.

You can navigate through the information by region, and by the type of action taken forward (we have grouped them into 5 categories for an easy read).

Some examples are very short, and some are longer. This is based on the information shared with us.

Many examples include quotes from children and/or the organization submitting the information.

Children take actions in different ways.

Some mobilize, communicate and advocate, others interact directly with decision makers, and others are at the forefront of innovation.
We have grouped the different initiatives based on how children are influencing change. Once you choose an option, you can also browse by geographical region.

From the examples that have been shared with us:


We have published a report on children’s participation, with recommendations on how to support children’s actions to influence change.



We have identified children influencing specific issues, and connected them with decision making people and processes.



We have connected children and organizations with others acting on similar issues, to help build bridges and maximize efforts.



We have learned from children themselves, and they have shown us that they are experts on matters related to children.


Are you engaged in child participation? Share your project or activity.

It is easy.

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